Law 6

Asia in Perspective

Asia is not a single market, but rather a collection of neighboring countries with wide ranging political, legal, demographic and economic structures. In view of the diversity in the region and the cultural realities, we recognize the importance of not just developing relationships but developing longer-term relationships with the right people and adding value as much as possible to businesses, their teams and communities.

Our Philosophy

OCP seeks to align the interests of our investors with those of the major shareholders’ of their underlying investee companies

Capital preservation is an important focus of OCP’s investment philosophy. We believe that we can best achieve this by taking the time to understand both the companies in which we invest and the major shareholders behind them and then to align OCP’s investors’ interests with them.  In addition to communication, OCP achieves this by taking collateral over relevant assets and strategic equity stakes in the underlying companies.  This approach not only helps ensure capital preservation, but enables OCP to work with the investee companies with the confidence of knowing that stakeholder incentives are truly aligned.  This in turn allows OCP to more flexibly support their portfolio companies over time.

How we work

OCP recognizes that investing in Asia is a “people business”. Our investment philosophy places a strong emphasis on long-term relationships with corporate groups and investment banks in the Asia Pacific region.  As such, we dedicate significant time and resources to ensure we understand the specific needs of the controlling shareholders of their underlying companies both prior to an investment and over the course of time.

Our team manages all relationships with a high standard of professionalism and we strive to understand the unique circumstances of and which surround investment companies.  This helps us ensure that we cater investment solutions to specifically meet these needs.

We believe in a continued open dialogue over time and adopt a “firm but fair” approach to managing each investment. Our aim is to be responsive to the needs of each borrower and major stakeholder within the boundaries of our comfort zone, ensuring discretion, timeliness, flexibility, consistency and sensitivity to the alignment of interests of our investors with those of  investee companies and their major shareholders’.