Helman Sitohang joined in June 2023 as Chairman of OCP Asia. Helman was Chief Executive Officer of Asia Pacific for Credit Suisse from 2014 to 2022 and was a member of the Credit Suisse Group Executive Board from 2015 to 2022. The first Southeast Asian to be appointed to the board of a global bank, Helman held both of those roles until he stepped down in early 2022, having grown the Asia Pacific business to record profits and receiving over 600 industry accolades and awards over the preceding five years. Helman has been recognized by several publications as one of the most influential people in finance in Asia and received FinanceAsia’s “Outstanding Achievement Award” citing his “excellent stewardship and dealmaking skills”.

Having joined Credit Suisse in 1998, Helman served a number of roles including managing the bank’s Southeast Asia business and the Asia Pacific Investment Bank. With over 30 years of experience in investment banking, financing, capital markets and private wealth management, Helman will be engaged in our investment origination, portfolio management and capital raising from our Singapore office. Born in Prague to his Indonesian father and Slovakian mother, Helman was raised in Czechoslovakia and Indonesia and is now a Singapore citizen. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree (Engineering) from Bandung Institute of Technology (1989).